The Melon (Amy Goldman)
The Melon includes additional horticultural groups of melon and gives watermelon--which is less genetically diverse--more of a fair shake. Much like the word "cantaloupe," which is used colloquially and erroneously by Americans to describe muskmelon, the word "melon" is commonly used in the United States to refer to both melon and watermelon. These vining crops belong to two different species within the Cucurbitaceae or gourd family of plants.
Melon and watermelon are now among the world's most important vegetable crops. The 125 varieties illustrated and described in The Melon comprise 85 melons and 40 watermelons from all over the globe. Their stories are as diverse as the melons themselves.
In addition to the stunning portraits and beauty shots and detailed descriptions of melons, The Melon includes in-depth sections on picking and choosing melons and watermelons in the market, growing them in the garden, and saving pure heirloom seeds. Mouth-watering recipes by renowned cookbook author Mindy Fox complete the journey from seed to table.
Honored by the American Horticultural Society in 2020 as one of the "TOP THREE" gardening books.